บันได 6 ขั้น ในการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ (ขั้นที่ 4) Tense Usage การใช้กาล

1) Present Tense (ปัจจุบันกาล)
1.1 Present Simple Tense
/ อนาคตแน่ใจว่าทำจริง
- The sun rises in the east.
- Fish swim in the water.
- The earth rotates on its axis.
1.2 Present Continuous
/ อนาคตอันใกล้
- He is coming to the office now.
- Somchai is leaving for London next Sunday.
1.3 Present Perfect
- Bill has lived in Thailand since 1990.
- I have studied English for more than two years.
1.4 Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been working for three hours.
2) Past Tense (อดีตกาล)
2.1 Past Simple
- I lived in Bangkok three years ago.
- Somchai went to the cinema yesterday.
- While he was walking along the street, he saw an accident.
-My mother was cooking while I was sleeping.
2.3 Past perfect
- We went out for a walk after we had eaten dinner.
2.4 Past perfect Continuous
- He hed been sleeping for three hours when we called on him.
3) Future Tense (อนาคตกาล)
3.1 Future Simple
- I shall do this work.
- The car will arrive in a few minutes.
9 : 1 หรือ 3
- I shall go if you ask.
- They will leave after they have finished their work.
3.2 Future Continuous
/ ก่อน 10 – หลัง 1
- He will be having his breakfast when we arrive at his house tomorrow.
3.3 Future Perfect
/ ก่อน 11 หลัง 1
- The play will have started before we reach the theatre.
3.4 Future Perfect Continuous
/ ก่อน 12 – หลัง 1
- When you arrive, he will have been waiting for you two hours.
บันได ขั้นที่ 5 คลิกที่นี้...
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